(AA) Associate Degree
The career programs can be taken as pathways to FUA-AUF’s Associate of Arts (AA) degree programs. AA fulfillment requires the coursework described in the Certificate Career Program curricula and a minimum of 21 general education credits as listed below to complete the associate’s degree.
The streamlined program offering features four areas of study with a common core for the first year. For the second year, each area of study offers a choice of four specialization areas. Options are available for direct access to 2nd-year specializations.
General Program Information
The above career programs can be taken as pathways to FUA’s Associate of Arts (AA) degree programs. AA fulfillment requires the coursework described in the Certificate Career Program curricula and a minimum of 21 general education credits as listed below to complete the associate’s degree. Please note that general requirements vary according to the program. All AA programs require an English language level as stated for the bachelor’s degree programs.
Available Programs
Programs are available in the following areas:
AA in Communication and Interactive Digital Media
AA in Fashion Design, Merchandising and Media
AA in Hospitality Management
AA in Food, Wine, and Wellness Studies
Program pages list objectives and outcomes for each of the above AA degree options.
Required Courses:
The core education of each level consists of 5 courses (18 credits per semester, 36 credits per academic year). Core courses are mandatory and fundamental for each program.
General Education requirements:
• English Composition, 3 credits
• Humanities, 3 credits
• Mathematics, 3 credits
• Physical and Biological Sciences, 3 credits
• Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3 credits
• Diversity and Intercultural Studies, 3 credits
• Italian Language, 3 credits
Total general education credits: 21
Total AA program credit load: 76 credits*
*Please note: General requirements vary according to the program. Some gen ed requirements are embedded in multiple courses. Some programs may require additional credits to complete the associate-level program of study, as defined in the individual program curriculum.
admissions@fua.it and visit the admissions page.
FUA-AUF reserves the right to vary the sessions in which career program courses are offered and to modify course titles and course content
TuttoToscana Florence-NYC Study Away Certificate Career Program
Please visit the program page for details on this 4-week and 1-week program held in the fall and spring in collaboration with the James Beard Foundation.