news archive

  • Learning the Art of Retail Management

    At FUA-AUF, the Fashion Retail Management class teaches students about the ins and outs of fashion retail production.

    Stories From The Classroom

    FUA-AUF’s class that covers Bernardo Buontalenti, a Florence-born architect, artist, inventor of gelato, and ‘genius’ highlights the life and legacy of his creation in a unique hands-on interactive manner.

    A Class Without a Classroom

    The city of Florence replaces the traditional classroom setting for students enrolled in FUA-AUF’s Painting En Plein Air class.
  • Learning the Art of Retail Management

    At FUA-AUF, the Fashion Retail Management class teaches students about the ins and outs of fashion retail production.

    Stories From The Classroom

    FUA-AUF’s class that covers Bernardo Buontalenti, a Florence-born architect, artist, inventor of gelato, and ‘genius’ highlights the life and legacy of his creation in a unique hands-on interactive manner.

    A Class Without a Classroom

    The city of Florence replaces the traditional classroom setting for students enrolled in FUA-AUF’s Painting En Plein Air class.
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